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Diamonds in the Rough: Contrasting Love and Resentment

By No Comments2 min read
Child Labour in The Congo

Diamonds in the Rough

The earth abounds with diamonds
But Melanie stands on her balcony
Gazing up at a cool spray of stars
Wondering why she can’t find a man
To slip one on her finger.

Under the sun’s supreme heat
Like ten million galaxies away…
In the village of Kimabue –

13-year-old Kendi
50 feet below hauls away
Layers of dust and rock
Exposing ancient sediments
Where the crystals lay.

Under his breath
The impromptu venomous tongue
Of a new type of slave susurrates
Indignities falling on deaf ears:

Think I care for your democracy,
Capitalism, or socialism?
It’s all hypocrisy.

Think I care for your Christianity,
Same-sex marriage, or equality?
I’m sifting ancient sediment

And my spirit in revulsion,
My people still forced to bear
This cotton field compulsion.

Labour-intensive –
Sweat cascading from his brows.
Like ten million galaxies away…

Under a cool spray of stars
Melanie lifts a large glass of rosé,
Eyes her finger and beckons Cupid
Propel her way a man of dreams.

After two or so more glasses,
One by one, the stars go out.

Another Poem by Skendong: Stop The Boats! Stop The Boats!

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