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Gypsy Lady: Whispers Of Fate And Fortune

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adult woman with headscarf

gyspy lady

mother always told us,
you hear the door knock,
then look out the window.

i was so young but i know
she was dodging bailiffs.

it was 6pm on a summers night
the door knocked twice.

i peeked through the curtains.

who is it? who is it? –
mother whispered.

it’s the gypsy lady
with the raven coloured hair
& penetrating eyes.

mother sighed.
how can i hide?

the curtain twitched,
so evidently i’m in
& i don’t want her
uttering maledictions.

mother opened the door,
the air was still,
& told the gypsy lady:

i don’t want your prophecy,
i’m short of money
but i’ll purchase
your four leaf clover charm.

she nodded &
took the coins in her palm,

then meandered along
the garden pathway waving
us goodbye & good luck.

Another Poem: Crisis in the School Office: A Boy’s Awakening

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