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Good Days and Bad Days: Striking That Elusive Balance

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a couple holding each other s hands


it was drummed into me
that knowledge is the key –
pursue it if you want to be

then serenity will grace
your life. your demeanor solid,
bright face smiling
the body energized,

happy, continually until –
one falls asleep.
the next day

snug under the duvet
the sun breaks in
and the phone rings out
in the living room.

a member of the family?
the children? a neighbor
or the stranger yesterday
i met in the street?

knowledge i chased
to the end of the seas
and returned like a baby
sliding down the womb –

i knew almost nothing
in fact was helpless
without your support –
and the phone rings out.

Poem: Virtual Engagement & Frugal Reflection into Modern Life

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