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The Bolting House: The Head, The Heart, And The Essence

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Street Art photo by Skendong

the bolting house

the HEAD by way of the EAR to the SYLLABLE
the HEART by way of the BREATH to the LINE
measure & rhyme not greater than content
without content no measure or rhyme.

where’s the bolting horse

i learnt this in a project of mine
the poet spoke:

“what does not change / is the will to change”

so before you tread the empty field
slay slay lay down your ego 
& when consumed by energy’s rage –
compose –

let the tongue recite
touch with the keys
scratch with the pen

or just don’t do it!

for wisdom calls aloud in the street,
she raises her voice in the public square
at noon

(though the gathering is admittedly small)

the HEAD by way of the EAR to the SYLLABLE
the HEART by way of the BREATH to the LINE
measure & rhyme not greater than content
without content no measure or rhyme.

Poem: The Muses: Creative Energy Through Words, Writing and Poetry

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