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Mystic Anxiety: The Good Lord Is My Shephered

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Photo by Da Nina on Unsplash

Mystic Anxiety

So many lords in the House of Lords,
But the Good Lord is my shepherd
And I lack nothing.
After watching atrocities in قِطَاعُ غَزَّةَ
I rest my head and when I awake
Drifting through the valley’s stench
I smell sweet scents of flowers,
Not yet burnt by corruption’s fire.
There’s only one thing I desire –
That you do not withdraw
Your shield and rampart
As I pass by my enemies smiling
On my to the destined place
Where I expect to meet you,
My loved ones and others
And take it from there again.
I’m only human. Amen.

Another Poem by Skendong: Whispers Of Majesty: Hunger, Wisdom, And Regal Encounters

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