Laid Bare VII
The King of the North
Hardens his heart,
Like Pharaoh in Exodus,
No turning back.
For the day after tomorrow’s
Genocidal pursuit. Serious
Corruption charges await.
Fraud and bribery and
Breaking people’s trust,
Like Pharaoh in Exodus,
Like Pharaoh in Exodus.
His staunchest ally
Can’t deescalate the slaughter.
Political assassinations
Across the border,
Spurs vengeful reactions,
Muddies negotiations –
To bring beloved hostages
Detestation incites contagion,
Wildfires set
To engulf the region.
Holy light attempting
To vanquish legions
Down here on the ground:
Hell lies beneath
The pregnant mother’s feet,
Bringing life into a reality
Defined by death.
Women giving birth
To the next generation.
Did Jesus proclaim
Blessed are the children?
No food, no water,
Fuel or shelter,
Malnutritioned –
Birth complications increase.
In pain
Dropped by seizures, sepsis
And haemorrhages,
Morbidity, mortality –
Thousands deceased.
Indeed, the lucky ones
Are born prematurely
In tents, in winter,
Immunity compromised.
Bitter cries, cognitive
Brain development denied.
But not yet
Burnt beyond recognition,
Not yet lost limbs,
Not yet disabled,
But alone and orphaned –
Who shall raise them?
They envy those who
Are dead and gone.
They are better off
Than those still alive.
But even in the cemetery
Bones endure wrath.
Necroviolence rampant,
Sordid practice assigned.
Graves bulldozed,
Corpses exhumed,
Maliciously strewn
Across sacred ground.
The King of the North
Hardens his heart,
Like Pharaoh in Exodus,
No turning back.
For the day after tomorrow’s
Genocidal pursuit. Serious
Corruption charges await.
Another poem by Skendong: Laid Bare VIII: Ancient Prophesy, Epic Conflict & Destiny