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Jesus Still Under Rubble, So Christian Fasts For Ramadan

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Skendong Poetry

Christian Fasts For Ramadan

She cries & refrains from breakfast.
Her soul is afflicted & you do not know.
Months of consuming siege & destruction;
Humanity breached beyond recognition.

Beloved bridegroom is still under rubble.
She vows to undergo tzomot –
To break open shackles of wickedness,
Untie injustice, send free the oppressed.

Her consciousness attuned & sharpened:
With bloodshot eyes, she prays in vain.

Another by Skendong: Jesus Under The Rubble So Christmas Festivities Cancelled

Ibrahim-al-Kharabishy of Jabalia in Northern Gaza, “reduced to scavenging for cheeseweed and grasses to boil for his children…

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