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How to Build a Foundation for Reading & Understanding Poetry

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Skendong Poetry - How to build a foundation to appreciate and understand poetry

Reading Poetry

It pays to read a poem from beginning to end,
If you do not, it is likely you will miss something.
If you come across a word you do not understand,
Look it up in the dictionary or type it in your phone.
Poetry is music, but words have meaning,
Like when I was reading a piece by Hart Crane.
He said all afternoon cloud-filled derricks turn.
Derricks smoking pot or referring to the cranes?
You cannot view the painting if the words ricochet.
You complete the poem, but what did you enjoy?
The facile jabberwocky fusing with the muses or
Did you deconstruct & delve into semantics?

Skendong Poetry - Understanding Poetry

Further Reading: How To Read Poetry (And Love It)

Read More by Skendong: Human Voice And AI: A Unique Collaboration In Poetry?

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