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Poetry Slam: Man Stepping On Coloured Toes Epic

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Photo by Trust "Tru" Katsande / Unsplash


Fingers fire on the saxophone keys,
Broody shoes tap to moody strings,
Low amber spotlights glare from the ceiling
As the audience listen with attention.

But a tall man bowls through the mesmerization,
Stepping clumsily on different coloured toes.
The art of concentration breaks
As fixed stares follow – watching.

He rolled in this smoky joint midway through,
Brushing up those around candlelit tables,
A flame in a beer bottle leaps to the floor
His black puffer jacket is the culprit.

Some folk are aghast, incensed by his crime,
Still, he blanks out all eyes in his focus –
Who lined the crimson walls are also disregarded;
Standing inches before this New Orleans performer.

The crowd start to bicker, he’s ruffling the picture,
Like a dark shadow set on the screen
During an intensely gripping scene
“Once Upon A Time In America.”

Salaam has no cares for the storm in the foreground,
Busy kicking vowels and cons on stage –
Ominous bellows, sweat pours profusely as
‘A Man Who Rapes His Wife,’ he enacts.

Another Poem by Skendong: Bogey: A Captivating Moment of Life, Death, and Celebration

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