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How to Improve Your Poetry: Read, Write, Repeat

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Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Poem: read, write, repeat

Read, Write, Repeat

they say if you want
to write better poetry,
you must read read read.
then write write write.

a peremptory urge to pen
an idea, i glance over
my notes – again & again.
too didactic? over pedantic?
not really.

i’m in a conival mood at 4 am,
cool struttin at my desk,
gleaning over
what i’ve written down.

words like
muti, excoriated & sorcelleiire.
syncretic, prophylatic & puerile!
it does no harm i guess.
kills time too!

they say if you want
to write better poetry,
you must read read read.
then write write write.

A Poem: Unraveling Enigma: Delving Into The Essence Of Clunky Narratives

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • David Green says:

    And if you don’t succeed at first that read read read and write write write some more until you do! ⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘🤔😉

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