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The Frayed Economy of Double Digits

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Double Digits

Living through haywire,
COVID-19 and war’s firm grip,
Tales inflated told.

Brittle supply chains?
Profits soar in greed’s guise,
Ethics tossed aside.

Wages subtly wane,
Blaming Putin fades away,
Burden on the many.

Gains bloated and unabated,
Stained wallets clasped,
Economy’s face distorted.

Shareholders delight,
Aisle by aisle they dividend,
Executives distant.

Politicians point –
Overstretched workers underpaid,
Excuses run bone dry.

Hyperinflation hovers,
Weak growth, toxic mix –
Data unveils the bother.

Central Bank’s failure?
Quantitative easing’s web spun,
Inept policy aftermath.

Government’s stance?
Balance sheet balloons unchecked.
Critics, raise your voice!

Money blinds, incomes bleed,
Nurses dissolve into tears
Praying for a pay rise.

Another Poem by Skendong: Conservatives & The Covid Contracts: Chumocracy Exposed

Related Article: UK Government losses in response to the Covid 19 pandemic running into many billions of pounds of taxpayer’s money – lost to fraud and error.

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