projecting II
it is madness to live
(without breaking rules)
especially when you know
c r e a t e d
are then twisted
coined as a phrase
inducing buddies
inside >
whose guns past pushed Opium,
upon flung out addicts
smacked out in alleys
while others got high
cramped under zinc roofs.
through the port,
poison marshalled
with flintlocks cocked –
local officials locked
in pointless negotiations
pleading for silver
in exchange for tea
but lost / the argument…
200 years later?
nothing is new –
today the sun is shining
and under it
the same governors
collect huge sums
because canal-side
on my doorstep
it’s like 20 20 vision
i watch
three men hunched
shabbily clothed,
one holds tin foil
with his soiled
shaky fingers,
the other fires light
to an odious brown
the other tears open
a packet of syringes
as strangers move
to and fro unhinged
holding heads straight
as if not noticing
what was pointedly
in your face.