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ISIS Unleashed: A Journey of Devastation and Lost Innocence

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Cartoon featuring Barack Obama and the ISIS Crisis


their fierceness of fierce intention brought
a malice, spoliation – bitter and bereft
of love’s sweet gesture, humanity deprived
of Earth’s innocence & her graceful air.

that abstracted throne, the dark space of evil
possessed in this seat for time remaining,
blood spilled in hate & in envious revenge –
mischief spread in gratuitous rage.

the spectrum conjures innumerable projections,
listen to the dismal universal hiss; the sound
of politicians & public applauding – they would
speak truth but the fork shaped tongue.

President Obama and Allies in the Middle East.

President Obama and Allies in the Middle East.

Another Poem by Skendong: Aleppo: The End of The Old Silk Road ﺣﻠﺐ

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