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UK Covid-19 Inquiry: It’s All About The Money

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I Am Not Sorry

I am not sorry, Rishi Sunak, for your feeble stance at the dispatch box, squawking as if all is well. You should have dispatched information the COVID inquiry sought during your time as chancellor, despite the high court’s directive for full and open disclosure. There’s nothing to hide; we already know billions of taxpayers’ money has flown.

I am not sorry, Boris Johnson, for the loss of your 5,000 WhatsApp messages, a loss that entailed your job, dignity, and legacy.

And point in case, Simon Case, I am not sorry that you, as the head of the country’s civil service hosted a lockdown party yourself? Now off sick with no date of return and excused by the inquiry on medical grounds.

And you Lord Bethell, I am not sorry. Awarding your heavenly contracts and replacing your phone during the pandemic so we lack all your messages. You may be squirming, but we are not. I am not sorry that vultures feed on the dead.

What I am sorry for is the loss of my mother’s physical presence and the thousands upon thousands, wondering why we were deprived of this precious time with our loved ones. Money means nothing to us.

Another Poem by Skendong: Conservatives And The Covid Contracts: Chumocracy Exposed

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  • TMail says:

    Your words have a way of touching hearts and inspiring minds Thank you for using your platform to spread love and positivity

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