come in two different flavours:
everyday people
and the criminal *bot*
to secure you
from being Phised
or molested by Malware
take the CAPTCHA
“Completely Automated Public Turing Test”
they detect duffs
but Spammers are smart –
their way round laws.
CAPTCHA’s are solved
by humans alone,
to help stop deviants
in their tracks –
we’ll be rigorous and
capture them. just
select the lions
showing in the photos
an antagonistic roar
in the backdrop
there’s unusually
a black one
the picture stirred.
phased me, paused
then thought of Sigmund Freud
who touched me
last century.
was networking true,
sometimes distracted
by Bouncing Balls Blast –
but this time compelled
to read in a hurry
The Blacky Pictures 1940
summarily concluded:
raging libido is analysed
by the animals you choose –
to think that in 73, 81 and 82
this method worked a treat,
said Kline.
Now beyond the boundary
Facebook validate
when i don
(my horns)