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Revealing Regal Kinks As The Shadows Ascend

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By This file was donated to Wikimedia Commons as part of a project by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. See the Image and Data Resources Open Access Policy, CC0,

The Sword

Regal kinks of alias order,
Blessed with right to rule.
Wiped out like the dinosaurs
The Anus order soars.

There was a bid to study,
Copy & replicate.
Ill regal sores evolve,
Return to annihilate.

Who killed our regal King!
Stealing his regalia.
Blotting out his hue in all
But ever doomed to failure.

Now we are internal,
Presiding over ache.
Instruct age-old Armada,
To seize the bowl and take

Back the love, back the eagle,
And debunk the land.
Then set up fortress behind the sun,
Overseen by the Golden San.

Another Poem by Skendong: Who is this coming In red stained clothes?

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