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Virtual Connection: The Thrill Of Instant Messaging & Coffee

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Virtual Connection - Skendong Poetry

Online Dating

same as sighting (deep breath),
the person in the flesh by the sidewalk (sniffing),
shopping or at work? an off-the-cuff flirt
is instant, though a photo
can exude that instant

thrilling as we text – then sexting, video
streaming, and she’s screaming down the phone.
yolo, is it? (you only live once) & alone.
“where shall we meet? i am not so hot &
fleet-footed, but afternoon coffee?

we messaged yesterday; struck
by this fatal, striking new concept –
fixed on the brain, an image as we
cast our doubtful glances, dreading, but
it’s too late. “Renkian? how do you do?”
“very entertained to meet you.”

Micro Poem: Is It Me That’s Really Crazy?

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