along the cobbled way
clasping pick & mix candy cup
trying to keep my balance
along the cobbled way,
it’s a dreary afternoon,
busy as usual
many people coming & going –
but one man strums a guitar,
a fair haired guy singing
love love me do
turned my head
& a slim lady –
wiry long hair grasping
a large lambrusco bottle –
the cheap wine almost empty
dances –
lifting her feet –
arms flailing as she twirled.
i watched the moment
along the cobbled way
then pass through the throng
trying to keep my balance
clasping pick & mix candy cup,
many people coming & going –
& as i approach the entrance
to the main shopping center
michael jackson booms
& a black male
in his twenties dancing
proper choreographed moves.
so i stop & watch with four people
soaking it up
& he’s moving – beat it blasting
& as more people gather –
quite a number
take out their cellulars & record.
i can’t help but notice
his 90’s bomber jacket –
his grey sweat bottoms look worn,
& sneakers trod a million miles.
between his routines he switches
from baseball cap to fedora hat,
from bomber jacket
to creased t-shirt underneath.
some pacing past
wear frowned faces & a gentleman
in a pin-striped suit
stops in belief that this guy is crazy –
furiously shakes his head
& continues with his life.
but more people gather
& among the crowd
most are smiling
as the black man dances
grinding – jerking – flipping.
then he stops & rests on
the soaked wooden bench behind,
paused &
grabbed a microphone.
his mumble was scarcely legible
but i caught
“i am an entertainer
as you can see!”
& most in the crowd start laughing.
his mumble was scarcely legible
but i caught
“a bit of dancehall for you now.”
more take out their cellulars
others bop their heads
to the rhythm & my heart warms,
he energizes the crowd
but i have to go.
as he thrusts into his next routine
he switches
from baseball cap to fedora hat
from bomber jacket
to creased t-shirt underneath
i dip into my pocket –
clasping pick & mix candy cup
i approach a small holdall
meters ahead
& am met
by a blue eyed blonde girl
maybe 9 years old –
we generously throw our coins in
& i depart feeling lifted.