year of the Ox (牛)
the Ox
& the beginning of a new day.
reliable, likeable & hard working
but also stubborn, anti-social
& obstructive.
lucky numbers 1 & 4.
your lucky colours: yellow,
green & white.
unlucky things like
Ben Ming Nian. offend Tai Sui
then watch your step.
it’s a jubilee year
so you avert the oracle.
ensure the predomination of the good
by wearing red briefs,
red knickers, red socks –
they supress negative outputs.
or go to church,
the temple, synagogue or mosque &
are you scared?
the student i asked.
no she replied.
the year of that cunning Rat
has passed.
when that cheat
hopped onto the Ox’s back
& scurried to be first,
we know who
the true winner was.
Courage, Honesty & Faith
So be it. So be it.