more caskets
more hard drugs come in, the more caskets.
saturated by dope, they term it “open market.”
addicts labour to meet the pusher-man,
yet in the House of Parliament cocaine traces.
the war on drugs in this matter of history,
siding with China though, a mutual affinity.
when chests of opium overwhelmed Shanghai,
tea rooms brimmed with men getting high.
two wars and a century of humiliation –
Hong Kong returned, now canons pummel Britain.
awash with dope this drug war sees,
black boy from Peckham pleading on his knees.
he’s stabbed several times on the concrete floor
in daylight. witnesses. how many more?…
his mother gets the call and starts wailing,
while the BBC host another rapper drilling.
“we cheffed him up and bun him in a spliff.”
fuck shit man, who’s promoting this?
Another Poem by Skendong: Increase Investment And Set People Free