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Lost My Pen Again: A Quest For Creative Fuel

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Street Art taken by Skendong in Manchester City Centre, UK

i lost my pen again

i’m rushing for a meeting,
but the fountain pen symbol screamed write.

i lost my pen so i typed…

the sun still casts
it’s brilliant light 19:26.

she descends to another place
& the moon supplants her till sunrise?

this dual partnership never fails
but i,

the body decreed a set time –

i could die tomorrow!
or the feisty sister put it

as she sat in her
electric wheelchair

“you could be 130.
can you tell me when?”

i could be 130.
or this ripe old age

half century:
a friend never made it past 20.

publish! the prompt screamed.
i’m late for this meeting,

19:56, editing. meandering
through this green Frome Valley,

consumed by a crisp dry cider
gifted to me,

tapping this afterthought
knowing, you,

& those after and those before –
straddle an altogether different

strikingly similar path.

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