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Security Matters Poem: Personal Reflections and Creative Writing

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two spoons hugging

security matters

with difficulty

i almost fathomed

the true extent of Terror!


You and a not so united King/dom
let’s say:

in towns far away dropping dimes for me.

the shards picked up by a Triple Colony
+ chums

the p i e c e s = sums: $££$£$.



though I heard the bomb EXPLODE

it did not detonate before my eyes.

i was miles away about to brew Tea

when the ground shook,
rumbled under me

(we don’t have magnitudes here).


enough to royally propagate i considered

this idea #creativewriting,
eventually writing -a free ragged verse,
no cadence, lacking ELEGANCE,

spontaneous and making no sense
whatsoever – she said.


pulling the cord of the slatted Venetians

blinded (and thinking of spooning),

my neighborly peers dazzle me.

a sweet tasting Black Mercedes
(I don’t know the model)

conjoined to his housemate’s blue Beetle

whipping up a GLAMour, the mirror

so bright i can’t see myself,

but all together peaceful, quite:

& waiting for something to happen.


i phoned her: &

my sweet little english rose

said she is leaving me.

romance slandered –

a bastard shame

A man amidst two spoons in art deco style

Another Poem by Skendong: Flee: A Poetic Tale of Love, Choices, and Regret

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