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Meaning of Skendong Poetry: Lost in unique keyword dance

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Art collage - Skendong Poetry

Keyword Poetry

The meaning of Skendong,
Translated into language:
Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach?

Absorbing poetry,
Nearly lost his clustered mind—
Etched in keyword dance.

Archaic eyes seek truth,
In cornershops where secrets hide,
Echoes of lost love.

The word stands firm,
Walls guarding silent archives,
Hot and unpredictable.

The pen scribes high-,
Embracing sky’s unconventional path,
Lord of vast landscapes.

February & Dragon’s breath
Reached deep into dark corners,
Mystic tales take flight.

Rhetorical rain,
Narratives fill prophetic dreams,
Hosting ideas. Set.

Prophets whisper low,
Moralizing from the shadows,
Banished truths unhooded.

Commentary bursts,
Conflict spills in clunky tones,
Stories fiercely told.

Content overflows,
Archives brim with simple tales,
Epics integrated.

The eyes optimized,
Search stars for forgotten lore.

"Follow Me" by Skendong

Further Reading: SEO Poetry: Is Search Intent Stifling Creativity?

Another Poem by Skendong: Internet Addiction: Unmasking Its Link To Depression And Isolation

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