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Creative WritingShort-Story

Jesus Christ: Lost in Translation

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Unknown artist. The occupied placed under herem. An age-old policy worse than haram. Occupation. Destruction. Extermination. Even women and children Cannot be spared. Obliterate them. Show no mercy. Neither old nor sick, Sheep, ass, donkey or ox. Burn the olive groves. The world is in shock. This vicious determination, See allies grow uneasy, For the day after tomorrow, Their villainous hands Shall be implicated In the culling of innocents – Captured in plain sight. People never forget. From the catacombs orphans gush. They gather in the public square And always declare victory In the lion’s den of resistance. Troops have encircled the envclave. Thousands more congregate At the city’s gate. People think – These accounts are exaggerated, Fictional or metaphorical.

Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua

Who is Yeshua ben Maryam (and Yosef?)
According to the Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)…

Romans 1 verse 3, 4:

The Good News of Redemption of Hashem concerns the Zun fun Der Oybershter (Ben HaElohim of Hashem) born from the zera Dovid, as far as basar is concerned.

But, as far as the Ruach Hakodesh is concerned, appointed to be Ben HaElohim in power by means of Moshiach’s Techiyah [Resurrection] from HaMesim.

1 Timothy 2 verse 5:

For Adonoi echad hu (there is one G-d) and there is also metavekh echad (one melitz, one between Hashem and kol Bnei Adam, the man Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua.

Hebrews 7 verse 25:

From which also he is able to completely deliver to the Geulah (Redemption) and Yeshu’at Eloheinu the ones approaching Hashem through him, als (since) he has Chayyei Ein Sof (Endless Life) and always lives to intercede in techinnah (supplication) for them.

A Blessed Hope?

Titus 2 verse 13:

Fier zich (comport oneself) in your derech free of chamdanut (covetousness), being content with what you have, for He Himself has said, LO ARPECHA V’LO E’EZVECHA (“I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you”). So that we say with bitachon, HASHEM LI my helper, LO IRA MAH YA’ASEH LI ADAM (“The L-rd is my helper, I will not be afraid. What shall man do to me?”)

Awaiting the tikvah hameashsheret (the blessed hope), the appearing of the kavod HaEloheinu HaGadol and Moshieynu Rebbe, Melech HaMo Artists For Israel: REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH IN THE OJB BIBLE shiach Yehoshu.

Another Poem by Skendong: ISIS Unleashed: A Journey of Devastation and Lost Innocence

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