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Beautiful Pussy Willow Unrobed in a Moment

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By That Compost Guy - Own work, CC BY 4.0

Pussy Willow

Unrobed in a moment of beauty,
I stand alone by the open window,
Not yet fully intoxicated.
Admiring the garden in full view,
And the sound
Of the stream running underneath,
The vibrant winter sun creeps in
And radiates my flesh.
I planted the pussy willow,
Just like you said,
In the moist brown soil
I carefully tended.
Buzzing. Anxiety banished,
Replaced by a fertile feeling.
You’re already germinating –
Firm stem smothered in
Fuzzy silver catkins.
Even the frost cannot dim
Your pollen-laden seduction.


Another Poem by Skendong: Patient Love: A Sensory Journey of Desire and Anticipation

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